22 Sep Stress-free Monday: Tips to help you relax

It’s just about impossible to turn off stress, but there are ways to manage it. Doing things like going for a jog can really boost your spirits.
It’s just about impossible to turn off stress, but there are ways to manage it.
I’m calling today “Stress Free Monday” and offer these tips to manage your stress:
Control factor – Focus on what you can control and understand that some things are out of your control.
Stay positive – Focus on the good things that you have going for you rather than the negative.
Time management – If you plan ahead how you’ll allocate your time, it can eliminate many of the stresses that come up when you’re rushing around.
Remove yourself from the situation – Take a walk or drive to calm yourself – get in the slow lane on the road.
Exercise – A fit body can fight stress better. Regular exercise such as strength training, bicycling, walking/running on a treadmill or outside, hiking or even vigorous yard work can work out the stress and actually improve your mood.
Find quiet time – Kids in preschool and grade school often have quiet time each day. That’s not a bad idea for adults as well. Take a time out from the world to reflect and breathe deeply
Eat, drink healthy – Eat well-balanced meals and drink lots of water. Understand that alcohol and drugs can actually make you feel more stressed and depressed and may cause you to make poor decisions you’ll regret later.
Get enough rest – Recharging your batteries can help you have more energy to take on the day.
Friend factor – Get support from your friends and family.
Finally, don’t forget to smile. You can always find things to be thankful for.
At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at aaron@athomefitness.com