11 Mar Seven ways to fool your stomach into feeling full
One of the mistakes dieters make is to try and drastically cut back on how much they eat.
The big problem with that is sooner or later they’re going to slip up on the diet and their bellies will bust back out.
Active people need to eat and take in sufficient calories. To trim up, don’t stop eating, simply eat smarter. That can be hardest to do when hunger pains kick in.
Here are my “super seven foods” that will fill your belly in a healthy way and trick your stomach into feeling full:
1. Oatmeal – Is loaded with fiber and a great start to the day.
2. Whole grain cereals, breads – A source of more fiber, helps the stomach feel full and get you moving. They’re also excellent for stimulating digestion
3. Black beans – Legumes contain protein and fiber and are a great addition to any diet.
4. Vegetables – Keep it natural with leafy green vegetables that are both filling and good for you.
5. Fish – Most types of fish are loaded with protein and low in fat. Fish can also be a great source of omega
6. Soup – Many soups are low in calories, but rich in vegetables and protein rich meats.
7. Smoothies – Rather than reach for junk food, a delicious fruit smoothie is a great way to block hunger pains when you want a snack.