Search for the perfect exercise: push-ups

Is there a single exercise that could be called the best? Obviously, one size does not fit all when it comes to exercising, but this week I’ll reveal my picks as the best exercises that benefit the most people across the board. Featured today is a report on push-ups.

New workout fads come and go, but the age-old exercise push-ups still can’t be beat.
There is no simpler, cheaper, less space consuming way to stay strong and toned than using your own body weight to do push-ups. Herschel Walker, one of the all-time college and pro football running back greats, said push-ups and sit-ups were basically the only two exercises he did to maintain his extraordinary physique.

The push-up has been called the closest thing to a perfect exercise – you use your own body weight and gravity to work multiple body parts.
Most people know that push-ups really work the chest and triceps, but when done with proper form the entire body is engaged from toes to the neck to hold the parallel position.
If you can’t do a perfect push-up, then “cheaters” can be beneficial too by keeping your knees on the ground and pushing your upper body up and down. Some people call those “girl” push-ups.
For people who really have conditioning issues, they can even do a modified push-up by standing and leaning against a wall and pushing off and then back. This puts very little strain on the elbows or wrists.

To do a perfect push-up, lay on the floor and straighten your upper back, shoulders, and arms and push up your body weight off the floor, then slowly lower it back down. Keep a straight line across your body. Repeat for numerous repetitions.
Make sure to use your arms and chest for power – don’t cheat by using your stomach or butt for extra help.
There are many push-up variations once you get the basics down, such as on the finger-tips, knuckles, wide-grip, close-grip, triangle grip with hands and off a home gym weight bench.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at