Fitness tips for young kids

We hear all the time that children in the USA are getting fatter and fatter, and less and less active.
What can you do as a parent to help ensure that your kids will be fit for life?
Here are some tips to get your young kid headed in the right direction:

Pick age appropriate fitness activites – When kids are in preschool and grade school, get them involved in games or activities where the focus is on fun and they’re running, jumping, riding, kicking, etc., and developing skills that can be used in a variety of sports.

Don’t specialize too soon – I think it’s best for kids to be exposed to many different sports, even if dad was a diehard baseball player, or mom was a college swimmer. Parents will likely expose their kids to sports they liked, but also should let them try other activities. It will help them see what they like to do and also build coordination and fitness by developing a wide variety of skills.

Practice, play at home first – Make sure your child has at least some experience in a sport before signing them up for the local little league, whether it means to give them some lessons or invite a favorite aunt, uncle or friend over. Even a few times playing a sport in your own back yard will help them feel a little better before going to an organized practice.

Plan family fitness activities – If the parents are sitting around on the couch all weekend, there’s a better a chance the kids will lounge around, too. Instead, plan family activities that center around physical activity, like hiking or biking, or even traditions like going on after-dinner walks as a family

Focus on fun – Whatever physical activities your kids are doing, make sure the focus stays on having fun. Little League team sports can get serious in a hurry, but win or lose make sure your kids know it’s a game – and games are supposed to be fun.

At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at