11 May Cybex Arc Trainers coming to At Home Fitness in Arizona
PHOENIX — Once you use a Cybex Arc Trainer, you’ll never want to go back to an elliptical machine.
I’ve exercised on lots of different elliptical machines and nothing, absolutely nothing, compares to a Cybex Arc Trainer.
Cybex Arc Trainers have been proven to burn significantly more calories (16 percent) than an elliptical machine and they put 84 percent less stress on the knees. Research has shown that elliptical knee stress is comparable to performing lunges, while exercising on an Arc Trainer is like walking.
Except, you can get moving a lot faster than while walking. Push yourself at as fast a speed, or as high a resistance level as you desire. Because there’s less stress on the joints and ligaments, you can exercise longer and recover faster.
The Cybex Arc Trainer allows the legs to travel in a biomechanically correct path of motion. There’s less stress on the knees and more activation of the glutes and hamstrings. If you exercise at a fast pace, it can be the next best thing to jogging or running.
If you are shopping for a Cybex Arc Trainer in Arizona, for the first time in more than 10 years they’ll soon be available at a retail store: At Home Fitness is where to buy the Cybex Arc Trainer in Arizona.
Cybex’s Arc Trainer is not only scientifically tested to be gentler on your joints and burn more calories than an elliptical, it’s also stronger and more durable than the leading ellipticals.
Shop at At Home Fitness for the following Cybex Arc Trainers:
770AT Total Body Arc Trainer
770A Lower Body Arc Trainer
625AT Total Body Arc Trainer
625A Lower Body Arc Trainer
525AT Total Body Arc Trainer
Total Access Arc Trainer
Call one of At Home Fitness’ superstore locations or stop in for more information:
* Ahwatukee- 14647 So. 50th St., Phoenix, AZ 85044 (480-940-1022);
* Gilbert – 2810 S. Market St., Gilbert, AZ 85295 (480-855-6044) and;
* Scottsdale – 6969 E. Shea Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ 85254 (480-951-6951).
For Commercial Sales call 888-351-6951, while the Service Department can be reached at 480-940-1022 or email Support@AtHomeFitness.com.
At Home Fitness consultant Aaron Dorksen’s blog deals with a variety of fitness topics, ranging from workout tips, motivational ideas and feature stories on how exercise impacts people’s lives. E-mail him with comments, questions or ideas for future blogs at aaron@athomefitness.com