Chances are that high school or college baseball, and women’s fast pitch softball players, will have regimented offseason workout programs to follow that their coaches gave them. For adult recreational athletes who play baseball or slowpitch softball, they might not be quite as sure what kind...

The winter months can make you forget about playing golf if you live in a cold-weather state. But instead of going into a state of hibernation yourself, if you’re serious about hitting the links with big drives and low scores when spring comes, then now...

January is not just a great time for people on a New Year’s Resolution to change their fitness ways, but also for people to begin sport specific training programs to get them ready for the spring, summer and even fall. If you participate in sports such...

Everybody knows there are 12 months in a year, and that’s a lot of time to make yourself look and feel better in 2010? Here are random healthy eating tips for each of those months to make this a better year for you. 1 Eat a good...

Everybody knows there are 12 months in a year, and that’s a lot of time to make yourself look and feel better in 2010? Here are random fitness tips for each of those months to make this a better year for you. 1 Make fitness a top...

One of the best ways to improve your physical fitness is to get a little help from a friend. I’m talking about finding a workout buddy. There are some people who are just fine by themselves, and actually even better off. However, for a lot of...

If you go to a gym this week, chances are it will be filled with a lot more people than usual. Lots of others may tell you they plan to work out at home. Every year it’s the same thing, lots of people who are...

Two of the most common New Year’s Resolutions are to exercise more and lose weight. Often, these both go hand in hand. Since it’s Dec. 31, 2009, just in time for the New Year here are five tips to help keep your fitness resolution(s). 1. Make reasonable...

More than half of Americans will set a New Year’s Resolution in the coming days, if we haven’t already. Unfortunately, statistics also show that less than 20 percent of people will be able to keep those resolutions. Some studies have found as low as 5 percent...

There are just four days left until 2010! It’s hard to believe how fast not only this year, but the entire decade has flown by. This time of year makes a lot of people do a lot of reflecting. It’s time to look back, but more importantly...