Many innovations have come along in the fitness world since the exercise bike became popular, but few machines can match the benefits bikes bring to an extremely diverse section of the population. When trying to decide the perfect last-minute, A-list Christmas gift to give a friend...

When it comes to gym equipment, one of the best ways to get a great cardio and leg workout with putting excess stress on your joints is the elliptical machine. Getting an elliptical machine for a friend or loved one would certainly rank near the top...

When thinking about a top-of-the-line fitness gift to give a loved one, friend or even yourself for Christmas, a treadmill is as good as it gets. Arguably the MVP of a club or home gym, the treadmill comes in a variety of styles and prices to...

Most people gain an average of 5-7 pounds during the holiday season from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. That’s one club you probably don’t want to join - and with a little planning can have fun and still avoid joining. You can have a great time and...

In life too much of the same thing can result in a person becoming bored and stagnant. The same is true for your cardio workouts. Months or even years of doing the same things, such as performing treadmill or elliptical machine workouts the same way, can cause...

It’s a question that‘s been asked time and again and probably received just about as many different answers. “Should you exercise with a cold?” I went to the experts, ranging from talking to a local doctor to consulting the and all stated basically the same things. According...

Nothing can slow down a person’s workout routine, or daily lifestyle for that matter, faster than catching a cold or the flu. Now that we’re entering the cold and flu season there are things you can do to help reduce your odds of catching a cold...

With the colder weather about to hit many parts of the country, it if hasn’t already, it’s time to Winterize your workout program as well as your house. Many of us will not be outside nearly as much, especially when it comes to exercising. That doesn’t mean...

This time of year can be one of the busiest for many people, with time demands of the holidays adding to already hectic lives. It can be more difficult than ever to get proper exercise. Here are four 20-minute workout ideas to help you get a quick...

Here’s your Thanksgiving Day NFL schedule complete with when and what to watch the games. You’ve worked hard all year long, take some time to enjoy two of the most American traditions there are today: Thanksgiving and football. GREEN BAY (10-0) At DETROIT (7-3) Thursday, 12:30 p.m., Fox SERIES...