The summer is a great time to enjoy fresh local produce. Here in July, blueberries, tomatoes, watermelon and sweet corn are abundant. While it’s very important to include these types of fresh produce in your diet, you can enjoy the taste better and get more bang for...

Proper shoes and that fit properly greatly benefit bodies in motion. In speaking with a female fitness trainer lately about common injuries or complaints, she said women often run into problems because of their footwear. Fashion forward ladies with several pairs of three-or-more inch heals in their...

Have you ever grilled chicken brats, or made turkey burgers? What about adding baby spinach leaves and a slice of avocado on a low-sodium turkey breast sandwich? Maybe you'll discover that asparagus tastes delicious broiled and drizzled with balsamic vinegar and fresh cracked pepper. Sure you may try...

[caption id="attachment_2630" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Whether you do advanced exercises, such as this renegade row with a kettle bell performed by At Home Fitness blogger Aaron Dorksen, or just briskly walk or work in the yard, it can help your health immensely. A new study reported...

Aerobic exercise is incredibly important to our long-term health, especially when it comes to cardiovascular function. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends for most healthy adults that they get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity (brisk walking, mowing) or 75...

Many people are careful with what they eat and also try to stay physically active, but don’t get enough aerobic exercise. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends for most healthy adults that they get at least 150 minutes a week of moderate aerobic activity...

Winter, spring, summer or fall, I’m always glad to be able to have a treadmill to hop on for a workout. When the weather is nice, I’m less likely to use the treadmill, opting instead to exercise outside with a jog, walk or bike ride. But even...

Here’s a common question asked by many fitness enthusiasts? If you have a tough workout and are sore the next day, should you exercise again or wait until the soreness goes away? If the muscles are sore to the touch, or your range of motion is...

No matter how young, healthy, strong, successful and-or confident we feel, from time to time we’re all going to be dealt a tough blow. It may happen to us directly, a loved one, a team, at the workplace, or some other connection. When those tough times...

No pain, no gain. The validity in that archaic saying has certainly been blurred as the days when coaches withheld water from football players or athletes pushed through despite competing with torn ligaments are long over. While it’s true that pushing the body hard is the way...